* To vent
* To explain
* To help process my daily life as a rescuer
* I also research quite a bit about every dog that comes into MP care that requires special treatment - remedies, medicines, ways of life etc and I want to share them
* To share what goes on behind the scenes without jamming facebook
* To be there for people that are interested
* And for something to look back on in years to come
Moving Paws was created in 2011 because I had personally helped re-homed cats and dogs and birds for people that could not take them to their new residences when they moved home (or had left them behind). I found these animals through my day job as a real estate associate. It opened my eyes that there was a need for animals and a need for people to be helped.
4 years on I can personally say I never thought it would have got to this size, even though we are small - we certainly do our bit. My eyes have been opened to so much - like they say - once you know - you can never un-know - how true it is. There certainly have been days/weeks where I have seriously thought I could not go on. The workload at times can overcome you, the responsibilities, the paperwork, the emails, the interactions etc all build up and you do feel like running away, but its always about the dogs - ALWAYS and that's what keeps me going.
I work full time, most weeks a 6 day week to earn a living - an average living - but money can't buy happiness they say. I believe I am very lucky to be employed, in an environment where people appreciate just how much Moving Paws means to me. Without the passion this organisation brings I am not sure what I would do.
This year has been one of my more challenging years with the loss of my biggest supporter and mentor, my dearest Mum. The most loving, straight forward, honest women you will never meet. Always told me how it was, always gave me encouragement, was always my back up - she was only ever a phone call away. I miss her beyond words, but I know she's still working MP from the skies - I feel it.
In this time my team have stepped up - two wonderful gals Shaz and Michelle have helped me immensely with running the MP show, they have taken on board the marketing, foster care co-ordination and fundraising without a hitch. I have no words that will thank them enough for the help they have given me, for 3 months I pretty much lived in a bubble just breathing and getting through each day, then I am sure Mum gave me a slap from above and told me to "get on with it".
Only 6 weeks after the passing of Mum, we farewelled one of our first rescues Henry to the bridge, he was Nannas boy and I am sure he couldn't live without her. This was such a hard time.
I hope in each posting I can bring some insight into rescue - from the rescuer.
Deb. x
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(My dear Mum and Henry - Xmas Day 2013.) |
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